Today I shine a light, acknowledge and appreciate my eldest nephew Kavinesh. Once a little baby whom I carried around like a precious little puppy, now a grown man of many talents.
He was one of my late mom’s best caregiver in her last years. This probably helped nurture his emphatic traits of caring for the sick and feeble very early in his life.
Bonding with my mom all those years helped rub her passion for cooking on to him. He’s quite a good cook and a foodie.. (ahem… like me). And I would like to think his love for baking came from me, I always remind him, my inheritance for him is a precious blue binder full of my favourite recipes and all my cookbooks.

He comes over to my place once in awhile and I have a little list of things for him to help out around my house, from nailing stuff to walls, gardening, shopping and the occasional jar opening. Nice boy. His dad still mentions him as his baby boy.
The highlight of this post will be his latest talent in singing. This proud aunt says he is really good. Below is one of my favourite duet with his singing partner Shannon.
Please check out his other videos too.
Keep up the good work Kavinesh, be humble always. Listen more, talk less I used tell him repeatedly when he was a chatterbox little boy… I think he does it very well now.
My blessings of love, joy and hope to you… 😘